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Step 4 - Compliance For NDIS Registration

Meeting the compliance requirements is central to the NDIS Registration process. To assist you, there is a hard copy Provider Information Pack you can order (FREE) here. There's a video which explains Registration here.

In order to be an approved provider, you will need to have policies and procedures in place which meet the NDIS National Practice Standards. The standards are set out in different modules, and a relelvant depending on what you are planning to become registered for. You can see which modules relate to your services (called Registration Groups) in the following diagram.

For Allied Health, you will be registering for Therapeutic Supports (Registration Group - 0128), which is considered as a Low Risk Group. Therefore, you will be applying the Verification Module from the National Practice Standards (pages 43 and 44).

There are 4 key policies and procedures required:

For Support Coordination, there are two Registration Groups applicable.

0106 - Level 1 and Level 2 - Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports

0132 - Level 3 - Support Coordination

For more information about the levels, see the Support Coordination fact sheet here.

Both registration groups are considered as High Risk Groups, therefore you will go through the Certification Audit Pathway. The National Practice Standards applicable are the Core Module (Page 5-17) for both registration groups 0106 and 0132 - these include:

  • Person-centered supports

  • Individual values and beliegs

  • Privacy and Dignity

  • Independence and Informed Choice

  • Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination

  • Governance and Operational Management

  • Risk Management

  • Quality Management

  • Information Management

  • Feedback and Complaints Management

  • Incident Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Continuity of Supports

  • Access to Supports

  • Support Planning

  • Service Agreements

  • Responsive Support Provision

  • Transitions to or from the provider

  • Safe environment

  • Participant Money and Property

  • Management of Medication

  • Management of Waste

The Support Coordination Module (Page 36-37). To meet these compliance requirements you will need to have Policies and Procedures in place which meet the requirements of the National Practice Standards. These requirements include:

  • Specialised Support Coordination

  • Management of a Participant's NDIS Supports

  • Conflict of Interest

You will also need to meet the requirements as set out in the Verification Module - which includes:

  • Identification Verification

  • Right to Work

  • Qualifications/Professional Memberships or Registrations - as applicable to the selected registration groups

  • NDIS Worker Orientation Training (Certificate of Completion)

  • Insurance (Public Liability and Professional Indemnity)

  • Worker Screening/Police Check

If you review the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Website, you will see further information about requirements. A great resource to explain the registration requirements is available through the Allied Health Professional Network - NDIS Registration.

If you'd like support to become an NDIS Registered provider, we offer single or packages of mentoring sessions, along with completion of your online NDIS Registration Application. Check out the Services available here and you can book online to get started. If you'd like to make an enquiry, please email or call 0438173261.

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